Tranquil Beauty Clinic
Design for various print and digital marketing products.
Design & Print
Tranquil Beauty
Thank you - these look stunning - I'm really looking forward
to seeing them printed!
Ignited Marketing have been working with Tranquil Beauty Clinic to develop their already excellent marketing strategy. Prioritising areas based on a few factors such as timing, cost and importance. The first task was to improve the look and ease of their Email Marketing, in time for a summer promotion.
Tranquil Beauty Clinic has had a few iterations of their logo and branding over the years. The logo is used in collateral ranging from signage to a mobile app, so the new designs Ignited has created had to be an extension of this, refreshing and evolving rather than starting from scratch.
"You have been fantastic at helping me wade through my muddle of requirements so I will definitely use your services again for future projects"
Tranquil uses a system called Phorest for appointments and bookings. This system includes a free e-marketing program tied into their customer database, so it is GDPR compliant and any unsubscribes are full automated. It is a new feature so has some design limitations. The solution was to create image banners, made editable for the client so they can be amended and updated in the future. Different header formats were created for Newsletters, Treatments and Offers; with banner templates for Images, “Before and After” plus fixed graphics for Reviews and Rewards.
Design for Print
The previous in-store brochures were 12pp DL booklets, packed with information. The reason for this format was because they had grown from an A4 Trifold (6pp DL) once more services had been introduced. At 12 pages this size is inefficient in production terms and effectively costs the same as A5, which is 50% bigger, so we redesigned it at A5. This allowed the contents more room to breathe. With this new format we suggested other touches, like thicker silk covers matt laminated to give a more robust/luxury feel and show off the inside cover images.
Having familiarised ourselves with the content of the brochure we were confident it could fit within an A4 Trifold format again. The website has a feature to download their brochure and a 2-page A4 is much more manageable (see below). Files were provided as print ready pdfs but also in a format the client is familiar with editing, so they can make changes themselves in the future.